Windows VPS
VCPU | Memory | CPU Power | Storage | Geekbench Score | Bandwidth | Price | |
1 vCPU | 1 GB | 2.4 GHz1 core | 10 GB | 500 GB |
$4.99/month |
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A shared web hosting service is an agreement whereby each user gets a certain portion of entire available properties. Multiple domains are hosted by the same server, which means that the server’s capabilities are divided between multiple domains. This means that these websites will not experience as robust of performance as a website that has a dedicated server applying all of its resources solely to one website. If requests come in for multiple websites on the same server simultaneously, the server will only be able to transfer so much information at a single time. For low-bandwidth websites, the delays will often be unnoticeable, but for more burdensome websites, the delay can be significant. Nomehost provides high speed bandwidth shared hosting in Bangladesh.
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I have had Bangohost with other hosting service provider companies. When I got Bangohost web hosting for my personal blog I will give ten other providers is two. I will recommend you to use it at least once. is above and beyond their competitors and I have talked and met with the others. Some of them wouldn’t even follow up very well when I was just talking to them. Bangohost is the best for me. is always responsive to any question I have, they keep me informed and they understand who we are and what we’re trying to do. I firmly believe that. And, any time that I make contact with them.